Thursday, August 5, 2010

Day Four

Today consisted of:

1)Language classes in the morning where we talked about how foreigners perceive the German culture

2)An excursion to the Hermitage, a beautiful park with castles and gardens

3)A delicious popsicle that tasted just like frozen orange juice

4)Walking through the city with some friends

5)Cooking vegetable lasagna with my roommates in the evening!

The last point was the best thing that happened all day. To begin with, it’s slightly difficult for me to ever even really SEE my roommates because we have completely opposite schedules. So, I had only actually ever seen them when I met them, and then never again. For three entire days! Then, I bumped into one of them in the morning (this morning) and she invited me to come make dinner with them that night. I was highly excited because I kind of wanted to get to know them better. It’s slightly awkward to live in a house where you don’t really know the other occupants and I was finding myself afraid to leave my room to go to the bathroom in case I would bump into one of them and they would be angry with me for taking up too much space. So we spent a wonderful evening cooking together and now going to the bathroom is slightly less intimidating, which I find to be a great accomplishment.

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