Wednesday, August 18, 2010


On today's excursion, we visited a teeny tiny village (not kidding about the size - there were 50 inhabitants) known as "Little Berlin." Apparently, when the German Wall was up, this town was divided down the middle, just like Berlin. Normally, if a town was on the border, they would send the inhabitants to one side or the other, but they went ahead and divided this one. It's famous and only an hour away, so we took a trip to visit it and went on a tour of what the German wall and the border patrol would have looked like at the time.

The tour was given in German and English -by the same guy. It looked a bit like schizophrenia - he would tell us a section of the tour in German, and then turn right around and repeat it in English. Sometimes, he forgot where he had left off in his translation of himself and would ask the German speakers what he had said last. It was amusing.

Funny moment: our tour guide made a comment about how Pirates of the Caribbean was a horrible movie . I, naturally, made a face, because Pirates of the Caribbean is a work of pure genius. He picked up on it, though, and said, "Well, you probably think Titanic is great too." And everyone laughed. :-)

Best part of the entire day? That it did not rain until we got on the bus to go home. Hooray!

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